Ian Breckheimer

Ian Breckheimer

Research Scientist, Adjunct Professor

Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

Western Colorado University

Dr. Ian Breckheimer is a staff Research Scientist at Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Originally from Saluda, North Carolina, Ian’s research focuses on how landscapes (and the plants and people that live there) are adapting to global change. Much of his work links field measurements of ecological processes such as plant growth and flowering to their landscape context via imagery collected from drones, airplanes, and satellites.

  • landscape ecology
  • remote sensing
  • species interactions
  • NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2018 - 2019

    Harvard University

  • PhD in Biology, 2017

    University of Washington

  • MS in Ecology, 2010

    University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

  • BS in Biology and Environmental Studies, 2006

    Guilford College